In our last blog, we discussed the statistic that approximately 10,000 Americans are turning 65 daily, and the vast majority become eligible for Medicare. Additionally, we briefly explored the growing trend…
Quantum News
Medicare Advantage 2021 to 2035 (Part 3)
In our last two blogs, we focused our attention on discussing the growth and size of the Medicare Advantage program. Recently, a major Wall Street financial firm found the addressable…
Medicare Advantage 2021 to 2035 (Part 2)
US$325,000,000,000, that’s US$325 Billion, Per Year. Did that number get your attention? A prominent New York investment bank announced that the addressable market, for one of their IPO clients in…
Medicare Advantage: 2021 to 2035 (Part 1)
Over the last few years, our blogs have consistently noted the problematic issues faced in the U.S. healthcare industry. Simultaneously, we have also discussed the opportunities to make substantive changes…
The Physician’s Dilemma 2021: 20 Years in the Making (Part 3)
The American Medical Association (AMA) released a recent report that headlined, “Less Than Half of Physicians Work in a Private Practice”. The report noted that in 2020 just 49% of…